The art of mixology and careers as a bartender

Have you been out for drinks recently and watched the bartenders curate the perfect cocktail, and admired their work? As an experienced bartender, you will have developed the art of mixology, great interpersonal skills and a flair for providing a show to all guests.  If you have ever considered a career behind the bar, orContinue reading The art of mixology and careers as a bartender

Hospitality leaders unite for the Hospitality Apprenticeship Showcase 2024 

Fuller, Smith & Turner, Stonegate Group and Greene King are just a few leading companies attending the Hospitality Apprentice Showcase 2024 (HAS) on Wednesday 7 February 2024 in the House of Commons. Taking place during National Apprenticeship Week (5-11 Feb) for the eighth year in a row, the highly anticipated event will unite pioneers of theContinue reading Hospitality leaders unite for the Hospitality Apprenticeship Showcase 2024